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- Welcome to the shareware version of CONTACT PLUS(R). This is a shareware
- version of a client tracking system suitable for attorneys, salespersons,
- real estate agents, insurance agents, etc. It will run on IBM compatible
- systems and works best with a hard disk.
- Contact Plus logs the last 30 phone calls and the last 15 letters to each
- client in your database. It features an autodialer and a way to keep track
- of incoming calls. Contact Plus also interfaces with WordPerfect(TM) and
- WordStar using the F6 (WP) key. This is not an ASCII interface -- it will
- actually generate instant follow up letters to your clients by simply
- pressing a key.
- Version 2.11 adds more color to the screens (for color monitors only).
- More verbose error messages are printed. Each field can now be edited
- using the insert, delete and arrow keys.
- Let's introduce Harry, a salesperson for a restaurant equipment
- manufacturer. Harry needs to keep track of basic information such as the
- name, address and phone number of his clients. However, Harry wants a
- history of previous contact with his clients. He also needs to track
- information such as the best time to contact, the receptionist's name, and
- the next action step (send literature, call back, etc). Contact Plus stores
- the previous 30 phone calls including the date, time, duration and any
- notes for each of his clients. It also has user-defined fields available so
- Harry can customize the database for his particular needs. Since Harry
- can't touch type, popup lookup menus are available which can save him much
- time when entering new data.
- As customers call him, he uses the notes windows to keep detailed records
- of all conversations. Using the incoming call button (F9) he also has a
- record of the phone call. If Harry wishes to recall a conversation about
- "blendomatics" but can't remember who he was speaking to, he can search all
- notes/phone calls/memos/ticklers for the word "blendomatics".
- Harry likes to send follow up letters to his clients immediately after
- speaking with them on the phone. Contact Plus makes this simple as it gives
- him the ability to enter up to 100 different template files. Each template
- file will have the client's name/address/city entered. Since Harry has been
- using WordPerfect for a while and has a laser printer, Contact Plus enables
- Harry to send handsome follow-up letters which impress his clients.
- At the end of the week, Harry has to report the number of calls he has made
- to his clients. He simply sends a copy of the phone log report captured to
- an output file to his main office.
- Keeping track of customers used to take Harry hours every day. He wasn't
- able to spend all the time he wanted actually making contact with his
- clients. With Contact Plus, Harry can now keep better track of his
- customers and have even more time to bring in new business.
- o autodialer o phone call history
- o rolodex cards o mailing labels
- o mail/merge for mass mailings o correspondence history
- o elapsed phone call timer o user defined index fields
- o user defined date fields o phone call graph
- o multiple databases o unlimited date stamped notes
- o ticklers/reminders o keeps track of holidays/vacations
- o full featured Word Processor o reschedules your outstanding ticklers
- o automated follow up schedules
- o extensive online help (over 2,000 lines of help)
- o 24 categories to classify your contacts
- o boolean search capability on categories
- o interface to word processor with form files
- o interleaved letter/envelope printing
- o call analysis reports (Who didn't you call?)
- o local and long distance dialing prefixes
- o popup lookup and data entry windows
- o colorful calendars and screens
- =============================================================================
- If you order Contact Plus, in addition to over 100 pages of printed
- documentation you will receive:
- o CONCAL - monthly calendar generation program
- o CHECK - prints out today's appointments whenever
- machine is turned on
- o CFIX - repairs broken databases
- o IMPORT - import ASCII data from other database programs or computers
- o MS - MicroStar word processor
- The registered shareware version of Contact Plus is priced at $79. Add $5
- for shipping & handling. Send a check and your shipping address with
- your order to:
- E Trujillo Software
- PO Box 3992
- Albuquerque, NM 87190
- or for rush orders call:
- (505) 881-3223 (information & orders)
- E Trujillo Software reserves the right to change this offer at anytime.
- Contact Plus is a registered trademark of E Trujillo Software. E Trujillo
- Software also holds the US copyright (c) 1989 to Contact Plus.
- =============================================================================
- Make sure that the proper date and time are setup. CONTACT PLUS makes
- heavy use of the date and time throughout the system.
- (1) Copy all files into a CONTACT directory on your hard disk
- (2) Enter the command "C" at the prompt.
- Press the HELP button (F1) often when first getting acquainted
- with Contact Plus.
- If you have a problem at startup with the message:
- Follow these steps:
- (1) Locate your "config.sys" file. This file is a DOS
- configuration file and is located in the top directory
- of your boot disk.
- (2) Issue the following command which will either create the
- config.sys file or add the line to it.
- C> echo FILES=20 >> config.sys
- (3) Turn off your computer and turn it back on again.
- (4) Try to run Contact Plus again.
- Contact Plus comes with a sample database already programmed in. You
- may change any of the user defined fields and experiment with the system
- as you wish.
- Make sure that you backup the database everyday. You will soon find
- that the data you keep is very valuable.
- Go to the USER PARAMETER MENU to change the user defined fields. You
- will want to set the first two user defined fields with something that
- can be sorted such as account number, region, sales id, or social security
- number. You may also want to customize the user defined date fields.
- Adding, and deleting contacts can only be done from the header page under
- the contact menu. To add a new contact, simply press A followed by the
- ENTER key. You can copy the information being displayed to the new contact
- or enter your information on a new clean screen. When finished adding the
- contact, press ESC. You will be prompted to save the contact.
- Press the UP and DOWN arrow to access different contacts or enter the first
- few characters of the last name. If you change the index to COMPANY, you
- can access the contacts by company name instead of last name. The indexing
- feature is also available for zip code, user field 1 and user defined field 2.
- Press F3 or F4 from any of the pages under the Contact Menu. Of course,
- the contact that you want to dial must be displayed on the screen. If you
- have a Hayes compatible modem, Contact Plus will dial the phone for you.
- Otherwise, you can still press F3 or F4 to log the phone call but you will
- have to dial the phone manually.
- Each call will be stored in the phone log page with the most recent call
- appearing at the top of the screen. The phone calls cannot be deleted
- once they are entered. You have access to the previous 30 calls only.
- Contact Plus has the unique ability to interface with WordPerfect and
- WordStar when generating followup letters automatically. From the
- Contact Plus menu, simply press F6 and you will be presented with a list
- of up to 100 different FORM files. Each file is a template with codes
- where the salutation, address, dates will go. You must specify the
- path of your word processor in the SYSTEM PARAMETER MENU in order
- for this to work properly.
- Press F6 with the sample database and you will be placed in the
- sample word processor called MSDEMO which only illustrates the
- capability of the followup letter feature.
- Most prompts in the header page have a popup window that enables you to
- enter common information at the press of a few keystrokes. If the
- popups are set to appear automatically, they will popup whenever the
- highlight bar is placed over the field. Otherwise, press F10 to access
- the popup menu on those prompts in the HEADER PAGE. Press F10 again
- to modify the popup menu.
- While in any of the contact menu pages, you may press the F7 key (NOTES)
- which will bring up a date/time stamped note. The notes may be
- summoned while any other popup window is on the screen. It is especially
- convenient when talking on the phone.
- There are an unlimited number of notes that can be stored perpetually
- for each contact in the database.
- Use the tickler feature to remind you to call back or followup on one
- of your clients. Each contact in the database has up to 15 different
- associated ticklers. Use the DONE? field to signify if the task was
- completed, not completed or if you don't care.
- The ticklers marked as NOT DONE today, will be rescheduled to a date
- in the future.
- There are 15 reports available all of which can be printed on the screen,
- printer or sent to a capture file for later processing with a word processor.
- A selection menu will appear after the report is chosen. The selection
- menu allows you to sort and select particular clients
- If you wish to send one letter to a bunch of clients the mail/merge
- feature will allow you to do just that. Simply create an ASCII
- text file using your favorite editor and call it CONTACT.1, CONTACT.2
- CONTACT.3 through CONTACT.9. The first mail/merge template under
- the mail/merge menu corresponds to the CONTACT.1, the second template
- corresponds to the file CONTACT.2, etc. The sample file "CONTACT.1" is
- included with the shareware version.
- ==============================================================================
- For those with extensive client tracking needs, we are also offering Contact
- Plus Professional which is different from the shareware version in the
- following features:
- o the database uses approximately 50% less disk space
- o database access is about twice as fast
- o there is NO limit to the number of phone calls can be stored
- o there is NO limit to the number of letters that can be stored
- o a DEAR field has been added (Dear *de)
- o wordwrap on the NOTES window when adding a new note
- o a history popup window has been added displaying all calls and letters
- o two more user defined fields have been added to header screen
- o you can select which fields will have an automatic popup menu
- o the popup menus have more selections on most fields
- o HP laser labels (two different Avery formats)
- o 3 up mailing labels for pinfeed printers
- o country field was expanded from 9 to 15 characters
- o company name field was expanded from 30 to 34 characters
- o 6 keys to access DOS with ability to pass mail/merge codes as parameters
- o Index on next tickler date. Press down arrow to access contacts in
- order of tickler date.
- o remembers index, page and contact last accessed between sessions
- o phone numbers are printed on TODAY'S TICKLER REPORT
- o tickler rescheduler will reschedule ticklers not DONE for ALL ticklers
- prior to today (not just today's ticklers)
- o an on-line tutorial with plenty of examples
- o browse screen
- o optional interface to Calendar Creator Plus from Power Up Software
- o optional interface to DBASE III
- For more information on the professional version please contact :
- E Trujillo Software
- PO Box 3992
- Albuquerque, NM 87107
- (505) 881-3223
- =============================================================================